Being a woman, I think I am highly qualified to write this  (duh!).

As a woman, I think I speak for most women when I say that the following are some of the biggest turn offs for us:-


  • When a guy knows what he’s worth, it’s amazing; but when he constantly keeps on reminding you of how much his car is worth, it certainly isn’t.


  • When he constantly flexes his muscles and tells you just how strong he is and that you wouldn’t ever need a bodyguard (guess what, guys. We can always hire one. Show us why we SHOULDN’T hire you)


  • When he can’t stop talking about how many other girls are begging him to meet them (we know they’re not, we smell bluff from a mile away)


  • When he tells you “wow, you’re not like other girls” (What is that even supposed to mean? All my other gender-mates aren’t compliment worthy?)


  • When he tries to pull the “I think I’m falling for you” card just to get into your pants. (SERIOUSLY, that’s not cool)


  • When his only hobby is gymming. Umm.


  • When he’s always right and will go to any extent to prove it (win wars, guys, not battles)


  • When he talks crap about his ex unnecessarily (there’s a red flag right there!)


  • When he whines about all the unfortunate events in his life ON THE FIRST DATE (please do that AFTER we’ve established a connection, no one likes a cry baby)


  • When he pretends to be someone he’s not. (this is the BIGGEST turn off ever. And trust us, we know when you do.)


Now, as a woman who has a lot of guy friends who don’t consider her a woman and tell her “bhai hai tu”, I think I am qualified enough to write this from the guys’ perspective as well. So, here goes:-


When she wears too much makeup (they might not be able to tell which shade you’re wearing, but they sure can tell if it’s too much)


When she has no ambitions of her own and wants to spend daddy’s money all her life long.


When she says she’s feminist but refuses to split the bill (seriously women, double standards!)


When she has her feminist glands worked up about EVERYTHING (a make me a sandwich joke once in a while can always be rebutted by squeezing him between two slices of bread!)


When she says, “Oh, you’re just like other guys” (HOW? Have you met ALL the other guys?)


When she cares TOO much about what she’s wearing and what others think of it (trust me, more often than not, it’s not the dress they’re noticing)


When she’s always right. (Again. Wars, not battles)


When she bitches about her friends that she meets with a broad smile on her face (come on, that’s just fake)


When she baby talks with him (seriously, what’s up with that?)


When she pretends to like football but she really doesn’t know jackshit about it (Trust me, this turns men off more than you can imagine)



