Q1. What inspired you to pursue a career in your field, and how have your experiences shaped your professional identity ?

I was inspired to pursue a career in communications by the power of storytelling to drive positive change. My prior experience in the corporate world has shaped my professional identity, emphasizing the importance of empathy, strategic thinking, and effective communication.


Q2. Have you ever faced challenges in maintaining a healthy balance between your personal life and professional commitments? If so, how did you overcome them ?

Balancing personal life and professional commitments can be challenging, especially as a social entrepreneur. I prioritize tasks, delegate when possible, and ensure self-care to overcome these challenges, recognizing the importance of both personal well-being and professional impact.


Q3. How do your personal values align with your professional goals, and how does this alignment influence your decision-making ?

My personal values of compassion, resilience, and advocacy align closely with my professional goals of raising awareness about cancer and supporting affected individuals and their families. This alignment influences my decision-making, driving me to create impactful campaigns and initiatives that resonate with diverse audiences.Q4. Can you share some highlights of your current projects or work that you find particularly fulfilling or challenging ?

Currently, I’m leading a campaign called the Festival Of Hope, to raise awareness about early cancer detection methods, which is fulfilling because it directly impacts lives. However, navigating the sensitive nature of the topic and reaching marginalized communities pose significant challenges that require innovative solutions.

Q5. What accomplishments in your career do you feel most proud of, and how have they contributed to your professional growth ?

I’m particularly proud of the Festival Of Hope as it has funded over 176 people fighting cancer over the last few years. The campaign has resulted in increased cancer screenings and early detection as well. More than a lac of people have been directly or indirectly been impacted. These accomplishments have not only contributed to my professional growth but also reaffirmed the importance of strategic communication in driving social change.


Q6. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five years, and what steps are you taking to work towards that vision ?

In the next five years, I envision expanding my organization’s reach to underserved communities and establishing strategic partnerships with healthcare providers and policymakers. To achieve this vision, I’m focusing on scalability, sustainability, and stakeholder engagement.


“I recharge by spending time with loved
ones and my furry babies, engaging
in activities that nourish my soul,
such as traveling and attending
music concerts.”


Q7. Are there specific skills or areas of expertise you aim to develop over the next ten years to enhance your life trajectory ?

Over the next decade, I aim to effectively address the evolving challenges in cancer awareness and prevention. This involves pursuing advanced training and collaborating with experts in relevant fields. I’m looking at opening a centre where we can offer healthcare services to the lesser privileged.


Q8. What would you say has been the most crucial aspect to you achieving this level of success ?

The most crucial aspect of my success has been my unwavering passion for making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer, coupled with a strategic approach to collaborations with few of the best in the industry. Most of the time it’s my network that speaks volumes.

Q9. How do you recharge and find balance in your personal life, especially during particularly hectic or challenging periods in your career ?

I recharge by spending time with loved ones and my furry babies, engaging in activities that nourish my soul, such as traveling and attending music concerts. These moments of rejuvenation are essential especially during challenging periods, it’s best to take a break.


Q10. How do you foster inclusivity and diversity within your team or organization, while keeping in mind the importance of maintaining structural integrity ?

I foster inclusivity within my team and organization by promoting diversity in perspectives and experiences, ensuring that all voices are heard and valued. This commitment to inclusivity is integral to our mission of reaching diverse communities with culturally sensitive messages about cancer awareness and prevention.

Q11. What challenges do you face in balancing professional responsibilities with personal commitments, and how do you address them ?

Balancing professional responsibilities with personal commitments requires effective time management, clear communication with stakeholders, and a supportive network of colleagues and loved ones. I prioritize tasks based on urgency and impact while setting boundaries to maintain work-life balance. I always take a break to unwind post a hectic assignment.


Q12. How do you maintain your own professional development while also maintaining your position at the pinnacle of your industry ?

I maintain my professional development by staying updated on emerging trends in communications, attending relevant conferences etc This continuous learning mindset allows me to adapt to changing dynamics while staying at the forefront of my field. Believing that you’re never too old to learn something new.


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Q13. What initiatives or projects have been close to your heart or compelled you to take action or raise your voice ?

Initiatives related to domestic abuse, women empowerment, health care, animal welfare have always been close to my heart, compelling me to take action and raise my voice for those affected.


Q14. Do you feel that you have used your position to advocate for gender equality and support other women in your industry ? If so, when ?

As a senior communications professional and a social entrepreneur, I actively use my platform be it social media or my events, to advocate for gender equality and support other women in the industry. Since I am on the advisory board of a few colleges, I mentor young women aspiring to make a difference in their respective fields and advocate for equal opportunities for all.


“Balancing professional responsibilities with personal commitments requires effective time management, clear communication with stakeholders, and a supportive network of colleagues and loved ones.”


Q15. In what ways do you strive to be a role model for future generations of women leaders ?

I strive to be a role model for future generations of women leaders by leading with integrity, empathy, and resilience. Through my actions and achievements, I hope to inspire others to pursue their passions, overcome obstacles, and create positive change in the world.

Q16. How can society create a more supportive environment for women to thrive in positions of power or have access to equal opportunities as men ?

Society can create a more supportive environment for women to thrive in positions of power and have equal opportunities by challenging systemic biases, promoting inclusive policies and practices, and amplifying diverse voices in leadership roles. It requires collective effort and commitment to create a more equitable and just society for all.