Now that the post-sex euphoria is almost as good as the deed itself, it is certainly not end. You know you both are in the best of your mood and it is the best time to rekindle your emotional connect. So here are a few things that should certainly be done to ensure that such sex sessions are going to be a regular: 

1. Date and have some fun!meeting-husband-one-night-standIt always happens that you first go for dinners and then hit the bed. But, it is even more exciting to first hit the bed for a steaming session and then making it for dinner.

2. Shower Together: bath-cute-couples-love-together-favim-com-649744What best than reliving some close moments together while taking a shower. To add to the mood, fill up a bath, light some candles and relax and talk your way through the soothing experience.

3. Hit The Sack Couple sleepingYou don’t have to feel guilty at all if you wish to take a nap. The reality is that you do feel exhausted and if you can’t muster all that energy, just cuddle and catch up on your sleep.

4. Go for it! AGAIN… 111122023853-couple-bed-story-topWhats stopping you to go for it again? If you have it in you and you are still in the mood, don’t think but just do it. What best way to end a day with sex post sex!

5. Work it out9-reasons-couples-should-work-outYou are on a high post-sex, so why not use it to burn some calories. Hot the gym and spend a good hour out there. Best if your partner also wants to accompany you.

6. The best, talk about it; decode itmaybe-will-we-stay-all-day-in-bed-640x426 How do you know something is right unless you talk about it. It is another level of intimacy to discuss your time with him/her in bed and let each each other know exactly what turned you on and why you’d love more if it. do more of.

Source: Google