In a world rife with images of six-pack abs of men and unbelievable bikini bodies of women, we usually find ourselves having received the shorter end of the stick, genetically speaking. We all want to look like Greek gods and goddesses and most of us are willing to put in the effort too, but we don’t have TIME. So we go through the rigmarole of life trying to find time to create better and fitter versions of ourselves. With a plethora of options in food and exercise, it becomes difficult to understand what would really work for us.



Based on research, we have compiled a list of daily hacks to help you achieve the ideal body that you have always desired. It is imperative that you take care of your body since that is the only place that you will always live in.





Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all activity. You must understand your body type before trying to create a fitter version of it. Metabolism, the oft-used word today includes everything that your body does to convert food into energy. Based on metabolism, there are three major body types:

  • Endomorphs
  • Mesomorphs
  • Ectomorphs


This is categorized purely on the basis of the genetic make-up and does not refer to people who gain weight due to a sedentary lifestyle. While some of us completely fall into one category, a few can also be a mix between two.



These are the people with slowest metabolism. They are usually plump and have a curvy body. They put-on weight easily but can’t lose it fast enough.Regardless of your body type, being fat is not healthy. It depletes you of your energy and also is a warehouse for illnesses.


You are what you eat  

Remember this old saying? Well it is true for your mental and physical health. Giving in to indulgence in food is fine but understanding and countering its effects is where most of us find ourselves lacking. As an endomorph, you should be careful in choosing the kind of carbs you in-take, as your body might be sensitive to insulin spikes. Also, protein intake is necessary since you need to work out more to be able to lose the stubborn fat. Some suggestions are:


  • Eat a lot of fibrous vegetables like spinach, broccoli and beets.
  • Eat a lean protein at every meal like tofu, soya beans, beans, lentils, skinless chicken etc.
  • Eat healthy fats like nuts and nut butter, oils, fish oils and avocados.
  • Eat high fiber foods like whole grains, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and fruits like raspberries, strawberries, mangoes etc.

Here are some golden rules for you:

  • Replace carbs with healthy fats and keep your protein intake constant.
  • Eat a lot of veggies; (high fiber content and are low on calories)
  • Eat slowly. By chewing on food for long, you make digestion of carbs easier for your stomach.



Remember, activities like Yoga and Pilates have their own health benefits but are not a substitute for your cardio workouts.


Some workout tips:

  • Have a cardio workout at least 4-5 times a week for it to be effective.
  • Try to work out the same time every day as it helps improving the metabolism.
  • Allow at least one rest day in a week for your body to recover and rebuild.


Remember, as an endomorph you are prone to putting on weight quicker as compared to the others. Adhering to these tips can help you start your fitness journey and achieve the body you desire.



These are naturally well-built and muscular people. With a good degree of metabolism, their body responds well to any form of exercise. People with broad bone frames usually fall into this category.


A balanced diet is quintessential for a mesomorph. The caloric intake determines whether mesomorphs gain or lose weight. As a mesomorph, if you want to gain muscle then you must increase the intake of calories. On the other hand, if you are aiming for weight loss, then the calorie intake must be reduced. Some suggestions are:


  • Eat low-fat proteins such as nonfat Greek yogurt, eggs, chicken and seafood
  • Eat complex carbohydrates such as spinach and other green vegetables, whole grain foods and low-sugar fruits
  • High-fiber foods such as beans are recommended too.


torso of fit couple at the beach


Some golden rules for you:

  1. Foods high in starch or sugar should be consumed in the morning or close to the time of your workout.
  2. Split your meal: 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats.
  3. Focus on non-starchy vegetables, fresh fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, low-fat or nonfat dairy products and nuts and seeds.



The envy of the other two categories, Ectomorphs are the perpetually thin people. No matter what they eat or whether they exercise or not, they don’t tend to put on weight easily. The flip side is that they have difficulty gaining muscle mass too.


Unlike mesomorphs and endomorphs, you have the lowest chance of gaining weight. You must choose food based on its nutritional value to ensure that you feed the super-fast metabolic rate that you are born with. Some recommendations are:

  1. Complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bananas, potatoes, beans and rice should be eaten outside your exercise period.
  2. Sugary products like jams and sports drinks are recommended.
  3. Protein rich foods such as red meat, turkey, chicken, tuna, low fat cheese, green beans, eggs, nuts etc.

Some golden rules for you:

  1. Eat more, more frequently, aim for 6-8 meals spread over the course of the day.
  2. Never miss your breakfast. It should be the largest meal of the day.
  3. You can eat junk food without worrying about fat; provided you are working out too.


Some tips for you:

  1. Unless recommended by a professional, avoid cardio or limit it to a maximum of 30 minutes – three times a week.
  2. Exercise for a short duration but follow high intensity regimen.
  3. Change your training program frequently.

The key lies in listening to your body and fine tuning your food and exercise to achieve the best results. Apart from the tips mentioned above, some basic dos and don’ts of getting fit are:

  1. Reduce or eliminate refined sugars from your diet.
  2. Increase the intake of Vitamin C.
  3. Limit your intake of fructose. This is found in breads, cakes, cookies, soda, coffee, etc.
  4. Eat as much uncooked or raw food as possible.
  5. When working out, always exhale when you are using force. As an example, when you are doing a pull-up, exhale when you are pulling yourself up and inhale on the way down. While running, try inhaling for three steps and exhaling for two. Keep it rhythmic and use your nose and mouth both if need be.


Remember, fitness is like a marriage. If you cheat on it, don’t expect it to work. Think positively, exercise daily, eat healthy and sleep well; the transformation will take place in no time