We all love sex. It doesn’t just make us feel good, but is actually good for us. The adrenaline pump, the head-rush, the endorphins release – they all add up to a healthy state of mind and body. Sex, what we see as just a feel good activity, has many health benefits and can play a major role in keeping regular health issues at bay. Read on to find out the amazing benefits of getting naughty between the sheets, or elsewhere.

BODY TONING (Get those curves right) – 
Nothing worth having comes easy. But the physical efforts that are put in while having sex have better pay offs than most other forms of workout. This not so extreme physical activity that requires constant contraction and relaxation of muscles and strength-training to maintain near acrobatic positions helps in toning the body and contributes to weight loss as well. Arms, legs, butts, core muscles – they are all put to use during an active session. While some positions will result in burning more calories than others, sex, in general, is a sure and fun way to achieve a fit and sexy body.

IMMUNITY BOOST – We do so much to make sure those antibodies stay fighting fit. A survey stated that sexually active people experience fewer sick days. Studies have constantly found levels of certain antibodies to be higher in people who have sex more often compared to people who are sexually laid-back. These antibodies defend the body’s system against loads of germs, viruses and other intruders that bring us down. Though you should still eat well, be active and keep a tab on your vaccinations, more sex will only make it easier to stay healthy.

HEALTHY HEART (Keep your heart healthy)
 – When it comes to serious matters of the heart, sex is the most enjoyable way to ensure the heart keeps healthy. Research has found that having sex lowers the risk of heart diseases and fatal heart attacks by up to 50%. Having sex regularly increases blood circulation and keeps the body active, thereby improving blood pressure and keeping a tab on heart issues. People who have sex more often have a healthy heart and experience fewer health issues. So you get the gist: more sex leads to a stronger heart.

It is almost dreamy how an orgasm can prim you for slumber. Post coital sleep is probably the most relaxing and rejuvenating. The body releases the hormone prolactin which is found to be in higher levels while sleeping. Drawing the connection between the two, research states that a healthy sexual life promotes sounder sleep patterns. Now sex shouldn’t be a snooze, but in case you experience trouble sleeping, opt for a more intimate session before you hit the sack.

Ageing is inevitable, but staying youthful is not as difficult as we think it is. Regular sex promotes the release of estrogen and testosterone, which play a vital role in keeping us looking young and attractive. Studies constantly find that sex doesn’t just keep us young at heart, it also enhances beauty and health. Sex helps us attain soft skin and shiny hair as well as maintain the body’s youthful glow. Move over anti-ageing creams as you can now turn back the clock with some extra action.

Stress is a constant companion owing to the lifestyles that people have these days. The easy fix for that too is good sex. Your body releases oxytocin and endorphins during sex, which are known as the feel-good hormones. Having sex activates your body’s pleasure centres and relieves the mind and body of stress. Sexually active people are known to be better at handling stressful situations and show a better ability to focus on and balance things in life. Having sex also lowers the risk of you being hit by depression or anxiety and works as a mood uplifter.

The happy hormones released during sex block the sensation of pain and body ache. Sexual health experts suggest that sex is actually good for you if you constantly suffer body pains or migraines. Most body aches occur due to muscle tension and decreased blood circulation. Sex relieves muscle tension and eases pains to help your body relax. Now you know that you cannot use headache as an excuse to not have sex. In fact the next time you experience any sort of ache, ditch the pill and go for a pleasure ride.

Body image is a major issue faced by our generation. A lot of us feel uncomfortable in our own skin. We are conscious about our bodies and experiencing an inferiority complex owing to not having the ‘perfect bod’ has unfortunately become too common. Having a healthy sexual life is known to fight body image issues and boost self-esteem. Being open and intimate with your partner helps to get you out of the shell and be happy in your skin.