We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but Delhi government has imposed a ban on all the hookah bars in the city and has asked Delhi Police & Municipal Corporation to suspend the license of all the restaurants serving hookah, therefore declaring hookah bars of any sort as illegal.

Health minister, Satyender Jain also stated on Tuesday, that hookah smoking is not allowed in non-smoking zones as per section 4 of COTPA (Cigarette and other tobacco products act), as well as in the smoking zones.

Chemical analysis have shown the presence of nicotine in a significant amount, in almost all the hookah samples, contrary to the popular belief that it uses ‘herbal’ products and according to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a one hour long hookah session comprises 200 puffs as compared to 30 puffs of a cigarette.

So Delhi, it’s time you bid your goodbye those hookah plans and flavoured smokes.