Q1. What inspired you to pursue a career in your field, and how have your experiences shaped your professional identity ?

As a woman restaurateur who transitioned from the tech industry my journey was inspired by a deep passion and desire to create memorable dining experiences. My experiences in the tech business taught me invaluable lessons about innovation, problem-solving, and customer satisfaction that I could seamlessly transition into the restaurant industry.

Q2. Have you ever faced challenges in maintaining a healthy balance between your personal life and professional commitments? If so, how did you overcome them ?

Balancing personal life and professional commitments is always a challenge in the demanding environment of the restaurant business. Holidays , festive breaks are all important business days for us. Thus, establishing clear boundaries and utilizing processes and technology to streamline operations helps in fostering a healthier balance .


Q3. How do your personal values align with your professional goals, and how does this alignment influence your decision-making ?

My personal values of integrity, authenticity, and community building are deeply aligned with my professional goals of driving great dining experiences and a healthy working environment. These values serve as a compass for my decision making process in my businesses.

Q4. Can you share some highlights of your current projects or work that you find particularly fulfilling or challenging ?

Some highlights of our work include implementing sustainable practices in our restaurant, such as sourcing ingredients locally and reducing food waste along with exploring ways to enhance the dining experience for our guests through seasonal menu changes, cross collaborations or through engaging community events. These initiatives come with their own set of rewards and challenges as its imperative to evolve and innovate in this ever-changing industry.


Q5. What accomplishments in your career do you feel most proud of, and how have they contributed to your professional growth ?

One of the accomplishments in my career that I feel most proud of is successfully transitioning from the tech industry to becoming a full-time restaurateur. This transition required courage, resilience and a willingness to embrace uncertainty.


“My motto to ‘never stop learning’, staying abreast with the emerging technologies and to deepen my knowledge in sustainable sourcing and culinary trends are the key areas I’d like to focus on moving forward.”


Q6. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five years, and what steps are you taking to work towards that vision ?

In the next five years I envision myself further establishing my presence in the culinary world expanding my restaurant’s reach and perhaps even venturing into new concepts or locations.


Q7. Are there specific skills or areas of expertise you aim to develop over the next ten years to enhance your life trajectory ?

My motto to ‘never stop learning’, staying abreast with the emerging technologies and to deepen my knowledge in sustainable sourcing and culinary trends are the key areas I’d like to focus on moving forward.




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Q8. What would you say has been the most crucial aspect to you achieving this level of success ?

A combination of perseverance, adaptability and learning from setbacks have been instrumental in overcoming challenges and in shaping my entrepreneurial journey.


Q9. How do you recharge and find balance in your personal life, especially during particularly hectic or challenging periods in your career ?

Spending time with my loved ones and prioritizing self-care practices helps me a lot during hectic periods of work.

Q10. How do you foster inclusivity and diversity within your team or organization, while keeping in mind the importance of maintaining structural integrity ?

I strongly believe open communication where everyone feels valued and respected helps in fostering inclusivity and by encouraging feedback from the team brings in fresh perspectives and enhances productivity.


Q11. What challenges do you face in balancing professional responsibilities with personal commitments, and how do you address them ?

Setting realistic expectations and boundaries helps me in balancing professional
responsibilities and personal commitments. It’s a constant challenge in our industry, thus having open discussions and effectively delegating tasks helps in finding the right balance.


Q12. How do you maintain your own professional development while also maintaining your position at the pinnacle of your industry ?

Investing in continuous learning, adapting and experimenting with new culinary technologies & trends and seeking mentorship from seasoned professionals are integral parts of this journey.


Q13. What initiatives or projects have been close to your heart or compelled you to take action or raise your voice ?

From working hard towards inclusivity, sustainable sourcing practices, reducing food waste, providing mentorship, training for career advancement within the organisation and supporting local community initiatives and artists, we are committed to create a positive impact beyond our culinary world.

Q14. Do you feel that you have used your position to advocate for gender equality and support other women in your industry ? If so, when ?

Absolutely. This is something I am deeply passionate about and to stay true to our standmajority of our service staff are women and we actively provide opportunities to women in leadership roles too.


Q15. In what ways do you strive to be a role model for future generations of women leaders ?

I hope to empower aspiring women to pursue their passions fearlessly and strive with compassion and full conviction to break barriers in traditionally male-dominated fields.

Q16. How can society create a more supportive environment for women to thrive in positions of power or have access to equal opportunities as men ?

Creating a more supportive environment for women to thrive in positions of power and amplifying women’s voices and achievements are crucial steps towards building a more inclusive and supportive society for all.