Dr. Amit Bhasin

No two persons are the same. This is not merely a statement but a fact supported by numerous examples which we regularly come across in our daily lives. Even those related by blood can be seen to have distinctly different preferences and characteristics from each other along with life choices which reveal how their personalities differ in many aspects. Much like the fact that the mental setup of each of us is different from another, our skin type also varies from person-to-person. However, there are certain common elements which have resulted into the creation of broad categories into which skin types can be divided. While in a more microscopic level the differences which arise are more personalised, these broad categories of skin type help us to determine the common mode of treatment or skincare that each such group needs. In this piece, we shall know and elaborate about the various types of skins which are most commonly found and also tips for ensuring proper care.

Normal Skin Type

A person with a normal skin type doesn’t generally experience extremities or adverse reactions to phenomenon such as changes in weather or new cosmetic products used. A normal skin is very balanced there is no excess oil production neither there is no excessive dryness. Generally it is considered as a skin type which is safe and requires less care than other categories such as oily or sensitive skin. Among the typical features of normal skin is the fact that wrinkles and lines don’t appear easily, there is no an immediate need to moisturise the skin or scrape away oil on it and no extra sensitivity requiring treatment. You can afford to experiment and try out a large array of cosmetic products without the fear of any serious side effects but after consulting a dermatologist.


Oily Skin

As you must have seen in numerous TV commercials or discussions revolving around cosmetology, oily skin requires proper maintenance and care. Some of the main features of oily skin include a visual effect which makes your skin look as if it’s glowing. To understand the skin type – it is the skin which produces excessive sebum ( oil). Our skin is covered with gland called sebaceous gland attached to hair follicle which produces sebum containing fat which helps the skin to prevent the water loss. But people with oily skin skin produces excessive sebum which makes the skin shiny and glossy .Choosing skin products for it is also bit tricky since owing to the oily skin many times it is seen that even after application, the product slides away and doesn’t stay on the skin for long. Since your skin already has a large quantity of oil, it is always prudent for people with this specific skin type to avoid products with compositions such as petrolatum, alcohol and moisturisers with large quantity of oil . It is recommeneded to select products like moisturizer & sunscreen which mentions the term “non – comedogenic” that means it cannot cause white head and black head and safe to use. Herbal treatments including clay masks come pretty handy for oily skin and one has to ensure that the skin is not over-washed, as it can lead to more oil production. Many people avoid moisturizer as there skin is oily but moisturizer is for hydration and it’s a must for oily skin as well. If after 2 hours of washing you face – skin gets oily without any application of product then your skin is oily.


Dry Skin

The word dry skin has permanently found its place among the number of jargons we use while talking about skincare. The dry nature of our skin results from deficiency of oil in our skin & loss of water in superficial skin which can result in frequent itching, extra-sensitiveness, white patch and cracks the surface of the skin. Long-standing skin conditions such as rashes can also cause dry skin along with elements of our lifestyle such as diet. A related condition along with dryness in skin is also dehydration, which signifies lack of moisture in our skin. In extreme weathers skin becomes more dry and more itchy and elderly people have more dry skin , there are many people who had oily or normal skin in younger age and it became dry with age. Continous scratching can make the skin thick and pigmented ( darker ).Some of the common ways to ensure adequate skincare for dry skin include regularly applying moisturiser, not live in extreme weather conditions and maintain the room temperature at your house to moderate. Beauty products such as soaps and other cosmetics having citrus oils should also be avoided. If after 20 minutes to an hour washing your face, your skin becomes dry and stretchy then your skin type is Dry.



Mixed or combination skin refers to that type of skin wherein there are multiple elements of characteristics such as dryness or oily surface at the same time. For example, when it comes to the facial area, if you have combination skin then it will mean that some parts, generally the strip of the forehead & nose area which is commonly known as the T-zone will have oily skin while the downward area and remaining part of the face will have dry skin. The secret to maintain this mixed type of skin is to balance the cosmetic products you use to a blend of those which are used for both oily and dry skin. You can avoid products with high alcohol content and use different creams and gels for various parts of the skin depending upon their oil component or dryness.


Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin refers to the skin type most prone to reactions to almost everything including factors such as temperature, reactions to food products or certain cosmetic products. Skin becomes red, inflammed & swelled with exposure or coming in contact with various prodcuts .Some of the most common symptoms of sensitive skin include rashes and sores, side effects to specific types of fragrance, burning sensation after application of certain cosmetic products and dry skin. There is an extra need to be careful while choosing skincare products for sensitive skin and one should generally try to avoid products with high alcohol percentage. It is adviced to avoid the product that is causing any kind of allegic reaction with contact to skin. The range of reaction and senstivity varies person to person , it could be very mild to extrmely severe.Mild cleansers & fragnance free moisturizers are advised. That is why an emphasis on herbal products with healing properties is useful to keep sensitive skin healthy.

Skin Susceptible To Acne

In short, acne-prone skin is the type wherein one has regular incidents of breakouts or pores which don’t go away easily and often requires treatment. Some of the effects of this phenomenon include comedones -whiteheads or blackheads, papules & pustules, nodules & cyst which have serious impact on your look and facial features. Senses of stinging or burning along with the appearance of spots over the face are some of the most common symptoms of acne. It is advisable that once symptoms of acne appear, you consult a cosmetologist or skin specialist because this condition requires specific avenues of treatment such as use of special cleansers and moisturisers made to cure acne with elements such as salicyclic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Mature Skin

Mature skin is a phenomenon that all of us have to deal with at certain points of time in our lives as we age. The effects of ageing on our skin develop into mature skin characteristics such as more dryness, dullness or dark spots. There is a need to focus more on anti-ageing skin treatments and exercises to neutralise the effects of mature skin along with taking extra care to avoid products which can trigger the underlying ageing effects. Collagen and elastin are two important proteins of skin that provide elasticity to the skin. As we start losing these proteins with age, elasticity is reduced, resulting in saggy and wrinkly skin. Mature skin results in multiple changes take place in both layers of skin.Visible Changes happening in the skin with age are Uneven skin,Age spots,Large pore size,Rough skin,Dry skin,Lustre less skin,Lines & wrinkles,Pigmentation,Red spots,Loose skin,Skin bruise,Thin skin,Skin lesions,Brown patches,Skin tags, etc.
One can deal with mature skin by following regular anti-ageing routine and consult skin doctors for more specific treatment avenues customised for your skin.