The most essential element in every individual is the need for having a strong immune system as it helps you fight diseases and infections. We often tend to get very impetuous where our health and wellbeing is concerned. With the 3rd wave of the corona virus pandemic coming in full force, it is essential to build up a strong immune system to protect ourselves from its severity. Team Delhiites has a list of super foods that can aid your journey during these tough times.


Super Foods that Help you get a Strong Mechanism:



Turmeric is known to have a lot of benefits which have been tested scientifically, it contains a chemical known as curcumin that helps in reducing inflammation and respiratory infections acting as a natural anti-biotic. It also helps regulating the over all immune system. Having a cup of turmeric milk every day before bed time can actually add to your over all good health.


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious being a great source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. They are full of anti-oxidants to promote gut health. Adding sweet potatoes to your diet can be really beneficial for your overall wellbeing.



For all the fish lovers, who actually consume fish 3-4 times in a week are doing a great thing as it has a very high nutritious value as compared to the other meats. Fish is a great source of Omega 3 and the substitute for vitamin D that plays a crucial role in the Covid-19 crisis.



Spinach has lots of nutrients and has low calories. It helps in stabilising blood glucose levels and good for bone health, it is rich in calcium, magnesium and iron. A super food if there ever was one.



brocoolliBroccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that contains good carbs and also happens to be high in fibre, packed with vitamins, minerals and bio-active compounds. It also contains anti-oxidants which is our essential for keeping us healthy and fit.



Almonds are loved by everyone especially when they are mixed in Indian deserts and even chocolates. Having 4-5 almonds every day is highly beneficial for us as they contain lots of healthy fats, fibre, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits also includes lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels adding to our over all health.


With the corona virus pandemic reaching huge heights and numbers shooting up on a regular basis, maintaining a strong immune system has become absolutely vital. Team Delhiites wishes you an optimistic, Healthy and a safe year ahead.