Q1. What inspired you to pursue a career in your field, and how have your experiences shaped your professional identity ?

I was on an academic high road, rocking the grades, and all set to conquer the world of commerce. But deep down, there was this burning desire for something more, something that spoke to my soul. That something turned out to be the captivating world of fashion and arts. I took a leap of faith, bid farewell to my textbooks, and dove headfirst into the realm of fashion. It wasn’t just a career shift; it was a full-blown love affair with creativity and self-expression. My journey took me to NIFT Delhi, where I bagged a shiny gold medal in fashion communication. Let me tell you, it’s not just about the accolades; it’s about weaving stories through visuals, about communicating my innermost visions to the world. Every experience, every click of the camera, every frame of film has shaped my professional identity. It’s a journey of self-discovery. So, what inspired me? The relentless pursuit of passion, the hunger for creative fulfillment, and the sheer joy of living life through a lens. It’s been one heck of a ride!


Q2. Have you ever faced challenges in maintaining a healthy balance between your personal life and professional commitments? If so, how did you overcome them ?

It’s no secret that the pull of artistry and imagination can sometimes overshadow personal endeavors.But, I make it a point to hit the pause button, step away from the hustle, and indulge in some me-time. Whether it’s travelling to different countries, sweating it out at the gym, or simply chilling with my dog, I prioritize
activities .Golf is the recent best thing that has happened.


Q3. How do your personal values align with your professional goals, and how does this alignment influence your decision-making ?

My personal values and professional goals are intricately aligned, guiding every decision I make. Integrity, passion, and empathy drives both for me. They keep me grounded, helping me navigate the ever-changing world I live in.Q4. Can you share some highlights of your current projects or work that you find particularly fulfilling or challenging ?

I love challenges and help me hone to better. Apart from the media production work that I do I have restarted photography for the visually impaired (earlier stint was with kids at NAB- Delhi) its close to me, no commercial strings attached and every single day with these kids is a personal evolution.


Q5. What accomplishments in your career do you feel most proud of, and how have they contributed to your professional growth ?

I’ll admit, I’m a bit greedily ambitious. Grateful for every step, yet eagerly awaiting that big magic moment.

Q6. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five years, and what steps are you taking to work towards that vision ?

Five years is too long a time for an artist to plan, especially in the age of AI. If I have to think wild. I guess directing an artistic superhit.


Q7. Are there specific skills or areas of expertise you aim to develop over the next ten years to enhance your life trajectory ?

Laser focused on honing my storytelling prowess, and delving deeper into direction. At personal front, cultivating mindfulness and observing a greater balance towards holistic growth.


Q8. What would you say has been the most crucial aspect to you achieving this level of success ?

This Life won’t come back and you only live it once- So put in all your efforts and energies and make it grand.

Q9. How do you recharge and find balance in your personal life, especially during particularly hectic or challenging periods in your career ?

Playing with my dog, an hour of meditation, a heavy duty workout or playing golf whatever the situation demands.


Q10. How do you foster inclusivity and diversity within your team or organization, while keeping in mind the importance of maintaining structural integrity ?

We prioritize diversity in hiring, ensuring our team reflects a rich tapestry of perspectives. Clear communication and fair policies maintains every voice is valued and heard.


Q11. How do you maintain your own professional development while also maintaining your position at the pinnacle of your industry ?

Taking out time for continuous learning, seeking mentorship, attending workshops, and staying abreast of emerging trends. It’s a delicate dance but ensures both leadership and upgrade.


Q12. What initiatives or projects have been close to your heart or compelled you to take action or raise your voice ?

Am an active animal rights crusader and have gone lengths to ensure that justice is served.Q13. Do you feel that you have used your position to advocate for gender equality and support other women in your industry ? If so, when ?

Have actively used my platform and whatever influence I exercise, to amplify the voices of women, whether it’s through mentoring programs, speaking engagements, or promoting female-led projects. Infact, my team’s top positions are led by women.


Q14. How can society create a more supportive environment for women to thrive in positions of power or have access to equal opportunities as men ?

Challenging gender biases, equal pay at work, promoting education and training. Remember, we dont have to compete with men,t’s about growing together for a better and happier world.