Q1. What inspired you to pursue a career in your field, and how have your experiences shaped your professional identity ?

This is Dr. Aarti Bhasin, a practicing cosmetologist in Gurgaon and Delhi, and an entrepreneur. As a cosmetologist, I come across patients who have undergone shattering situations like burns, scars, pigmentation etc which shatters their confidence to face the society. And we live in a world where people find it hard to move past these issues which were beyond the control of these women. So if I can help them walk in the society with this reinstated confidence, I decided to do so and that’s why I chose this profession.


Q2. Have you ever faced challenges in maintaining a healthy balance between your personal life and professional commitments? If so, how did you overcome them ?

Yes, I’ve faced challenges in balancing personal and professional commitments. To overcome them, I prioritize tasks, set boundaries, and make time for self-care to maintain a healthy balance.


Q3. How do your personal values align with your professional goals, and how does this alignment influence your decision-making ?

My personal values, such as integrity, creativity, and continuous learning, align with my professional goals of delivering high-quality work, innovating solutions, and evolving in my field. This alignment guides my decision-making by ensuring I am working towards decision making.

Q4. Can you share some highlights of your current projects or work that you find particularly fulfilling or challenging ?

As of now, I am vigorously working on developing my skincare line and offering related products. Additionally, I am dedicated to animal welfare and have already started my own Gawshala.


Q5. What accomplishments in your career do you feel most proud of, and how have they contributed to your professional growth ?

I feel most proud of all my accomplishments as it had made huge impact on my growth whether opening a clinic or launching my skin line, doing events for cancer survivors. all these achievement has helped me and provided a strong foundation for my professional development.


“My personal values, such as integrity, creativity, and continuous learning, align with my professional goals of delivering high-quality work, innovating solutions, and evolving in my field.”


Q6. Where do you see yourself professionally in the next five years, and what steps are you taking to work towards that vision ?

As a doctor, in the next five years, I envision myself specializing in non-invasive facial sculpting techniques that yield exceptional results. Additionally, I aim to lead a healthcare team and contribute to medical research. To work towards this vision, I am pursuing advanced training in cosmetic procedures, actively engaging in professional development opportunities, and fostering strong relationships within the medical community.


Q7. Are there specific skills or areas of expertise you aim to develop over the next ten years to enhance your life trajectory ?

Over the next ten years, I aim to enhance my expertise in non-invasive cosmetic procedures, specialize in advanced facial contouring and rejuvenation techniques, improve patient consultation and communication skills, and stay updated with the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine for optimal patient care and results through my skin line Skinford.


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Q8. What would you say has been the most crucial aspect to you achieving this level of success ?

Continuous learning, dedication to patient care, and staying updated with advancements in my field have been crucial to my success as a doctor. Additionally, building strong relationships with patients and colleagues has been essential. But when you love your profession, you love every bit of it.


Q9. How do you recharge and find balance in your personal life, especially during particularly hectic or challenging periods in your career ?

As someone who travels frequently, finding balance in my personal life during hectic career periods is essential. I recharge by prioritizing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and spending quality time with loved ones whenever I’m back home. Additionally, I make sure I am travelling and exploring new places and meeting new people around the globe helps me to unwind from my hectic work life.

Q10. How do you foster inclusivity and diversity within your team or organization, while keeping in mind the importance of maintaining structural integrity ?

As a doctor and entrepreneur, I prioritize diversity in hiring and promoting open communication to foster inclusivity within my team. While maintaining structural integrity, I ensure fairness and equality through clear policies and regular training on diversity and inclusion. Also I make sure by creating a safe zone for open dialogue where difficult conversations are not ignored rather encouraged.


Q11. What challenges do you face in balancing professional responsibilities with personal commitments, and how do you address them ?

Setting realistic expectations and boundaries helps me in balancing professional responsibilities and personal commitments. It’s a constant challenge in our industry, thus having open discussions and effectively delegating tasks helps in finding the right balance.


Q12. How do you maintain your own professional development while also maintaining your position at the pinnacle of your industry ?

As a doctor and entrepreneur, I stay at the pinnacle of my industry by prioritizing continuous learning, attending conferences, networking, and seeking mentorship. Effective time management and leveraging technology help me balance professional development with maintaining my position.

Q13. What initiatives or projects have been close to your heart or compelled you to take action or raise your voice ?

As a doctor and woman, initiatives promoting women’s health, empowerment, and equality drive me to take action. I raise my voice for projects addressing healthcare access, reproductive rights, and gender disparities in medicine.


Q14. Do you feel that you have used your position to advocate for gender equality and support other women in your industry ? If so, when ?

Yes, as a doctor and woman, I have used my position to advocate for gender equality and support other women in my industry. I’ve done this through mentorship programs, charitable programs , and actively promoting diversity and inclusion in healthcare settings.

Q15. In what ways do you strive to be a role model for future generations of women leaders ?

As a woman, doctor, and entrepreneur, I aim to be a role model by leading with integrity, resilience, and compassion. I mentor aspiring female leaders such as Michelle Obama, Indira Gandhi, mother teresa and so on and advocate for gender equality in medicine and business, inspiring future generations to reach their full potential.


Q16. How can society create a more supportive environment for women to thrive in positions of power or have access to equal opportunities as men ?

Society can create a more supportive environment for women in power by implementing policies like pay transparency and childcare support, fostering a culture of diversity, and providing mentorship opportunities to address unconscious bias.