You are all in the mood, ready to get into the groove and just a few words are enough to spoil the whole thing! This is the beauty of ‘nothing thinking while speaking’ during sex. We all know the efforts it takes to get into the mood; the whole foreplay, setting the tempo and then it all goes waste. There holds a golden rule ‘never say anything in-between sex’. So, to help you deal with such situations, we list down a few things that should NEVER be said during sex: 

1. Is it in there?: Okay, so did you just think of it? Or you wanted to know for general info? We know how men stress over their size. So even if you getting some thoughts on these lines, you better not say it and divert your man’s concentration out there. screen-shot-2013-07-17-at-10-33-02-am-640x250

2. Let’s Just Do it: So, what do you think you both are here for? A few things are better not to be said. Even if you are craving for that quickie to pump up your levels, it is no bootcamp class. Even if you think you have something extremely important in the next one hour, you think you partner will understand (IT NEVER HAPPENS THOUGH…)Couple Kissing Passionately On Bed

3. Hey.. High Five: So you are not the one in school or it was certainly not an ‘achievement’ to say this. A ‘high five’ post sex is like ‘Oh yeah, I did It, I told ya!’ It is better to not say this and make your partner feel like an object rather than being loved. married-women-sex-study

4. My phone is ringing; please pass it on to me: Believe us, anybody would hate it if you even think of that. Imagine you both are just there and your phone rings. Appropriate is to ignore and not think of that phone call. But what you do is tell you partner to grab your phone. WHAT A BIG TURN OFF.  phone-2

5. My ex did it just like this: Okay no matter how much clear you both are about your relationship status, you certainly never have to talk about your ex flames with your current partner in-between sex. It is bad luck (If not bad luck, then certainly your last night with him/her)couple-in-bed-344172_w650

6. Let me do it myself: It might happen that you partner may not be tad great when it comes to setting the mood. That does not mean you have to take the bait in your hands. Let him/her know how you feel and what you want. Let your partner know the right way to pump you up. couple-bed

7. “You want to do WHAT?!” Sure, this might be what you’re thinking when your partner suggests a particularly creative move they saw in porn, but take a beat first. Of course, you don’t have to agree or even try something if you’re not into it, but shooting down their fantasy right off the bat will probably make them reluctant to open up again. Try a simple “Hm, well, I’ll think about it”

8. FINALLY! “I love you!” MAJOR Disclaimer: If you’re in a long-term monogamous relationship, you should absolutely shout this one! But if this is a casual hookup or someone you just started dating last Tuesday, this is probably your orgasm talking.couple_rex

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