We all hate to go for the routine gym exercise to ditch the fat. With changing times comes the need to spice up your fitness regime to the next level. Now, it turns out getting in shape doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s time to play hooky from the gym, ditch your rigid training plan, and get creative. Build a wildly unconventional and incredibly fitness routine with these interesting exercises:

1. CrossFit Training

train-crossfit-1Said to be a ‘total body workout’, CrossFit is a combination of constant varied functional movements performed at high intensity. All CrossFit workouts are based on functional movements, and these movements help bring out the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more. CrossFit is a vigorous workout that combines weight training, aerobics and gymnastics all in one so that you become fit in every area of your game. The goal is to be functionally fit: to push every aspect of your body to the max so that you’re healthy, strong and in shape.

2. Tabata Training

tabta-moves-1236Tabata, unknown to many, it is a high-intensity workout protocol that has fitness and weight-loss benefits. The best part about this workout is that it is a very short workout. Tabata training is attractive because it saves a lot of time for people and does not seem to be taxing like other forms. It offers the maximum benefit with the least amount of time used to get those results. Said to be a 4-minute fat-burning regime, you don’t need any equipment at all! In fact, using only your body is even more efficient since it eliminates time spent fumbling with buttons or tools.

3. Boot Camps

wellness-fitness-bootcamp-rend-tccom-616-462An extremely effective method to ditch the flab, boot camps is a type of group physical training program conducted by gyms, personal trainers, and former military personnel. Boot camp workouts can vary but generally include a fairly intense mix of strength training and aerobic elements. One boot camp workout might stress calisthenics while another stresses military-style drills. The goal of a fitness boot camp is to provide a whole-body workout that builds strength and endurance.

4. Burpee Workout

burpeeWe all know the wonders of strength training and burpee is one such full-body exercise which is promising and fun. With each repetition, you’ll work on your chest, arms, front deltoids, thighs, hamstrings, and abs. Trust me. Your legs will feel like they’re pumping battery acid after you complete a set of burpees. It is one such intense workout that helps burn all the fat in your body and not focus on just a specific body part.

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