You would have had the best date night ever and now it is time for a private meeting with your bae. Everything around you is just right, things are heating up but there is something funny happening in your stomach. In the heat of the situation, there maybe a possibility that you end up doing something embarrassing. All you would want to do then is just dig into some pit and hide yourself. However, before you think of doing something, we have to tell you that there are a few things on which you certainly don’t have any control. So, here’s a list of things that happen during sex you shouldn’t be embarrassed about.

1. The rain of sweat: You are totally charged up during sex and sweating is one thing which you certainly cannot control. You have a pumped up heart rate, your pupils dilate and the next thing that may follow it would be a fart, maybe. Don’t panic. It is just air stuck somewhere in your body. Take it to be a sign of an ultimate and satisfying sex experience.

2. Too long a time for an orgasm? Accept it, you are not a machine and you may take time to get an orgasm. That does not mean that your partner is not interesting. It may just simply mean that you like to take your sweet time to get into the mood. Don’t even think of faking it as it may become obvious as to when you get it in real.


3. Hating something that you partner likes doing: It is a free nation, you can be open about your likes and dislikes when in bed. It may be natural that what your partner does may not be something that you like. Be open, talk about it, instructing your partner to do something in between sex is not a crime. It certainly adds to the fun you both probably are having and want to continue with.


4. Asking for a break every time: You are a human; not a machine. There may come a time when you need to take a break and then start again. Asking for a break doesn’t mean that you are not interested, t is simply regaining that energy to just go with the flow. Take time to cuddle and build the momentum for the remaining night.


5. Make way for fantasies: You may have the wildest fantasies that you would want to try out. Don’t back out, be vocal about it. Everyone has a right to do what they love; of course after the consent f your partner. In a way, sharing your fantasies with your partner adds to the fun and maybe there maybe more such ideas coming from the other end. The ice-breaker is needed which could be you!

Image Source: Google

