Dr. Aarti Bhasin


Dry skin it is a skin type which is scaly, flaky, has cracks and is sometimes itchy. Some of the reasons for dry skin are exposure to dry weather conditions, prolonged usage of room heaters, inadequate water intake, excessive consumption of caffeine, smoking, and conditions like hypothyroidism, diabetes and so on. But here’s a good news: Dry skin is treatable and just by following a few hacks, you too can get the skin of your dreams.

1. Hydrating Mask Can Do Wonders

Hydrating masks are a boon for dry and flaky skin as they help get rid of underlying dehydration and dryness. The umpteem number of vitamins and minerals present in the serum sheet masks gives your skin the much-needed boost.




GARNIER Skin Naturals, Hydra Bomb, Face Serum Sheet Mask (Blue) (28 g)

5% off







2. Exfoliation

Sea salt steam combined with exfoliation works for all skin type, but when if you have dry skin, always go for mild, cream-based exfoliation, which will help remove dead layer from top of the skin.



Aminu Chosen One Sea Salt Body Scrub | Glow & Body Acne





3. Serums

As serum works on a deeper level, if applied on a regular basis, one can notice amazing changes.






C E Ferulic Antioxidant Serum Anti-Aiging Prevention 30ML







4. Nano Facial Mist Spray

By adding few drops of oil you can can instantly help moisture your skin.








Nano Cool Mist Spray Facial Mister









5. Mist

Spraying your face with facial mist can hydrate and refresh your skin throughout the day. The best part is it’s very handy.








Facial Tonic Mist Pure Rosewater 50ML










6. Micellar

It’s good for all skin types. It easily removes dirt and also promotes skin hydration. Best part: it’s very gentle on the skin.





Garnier Skin Naturals, Micellar Cleansing Water, 125ml