By Dr. Amit & Dr. Aarti Bhasin


There is a lot of information floating around on the internet about Aqualyx. We are bringing you answers for all the commonly asked questions around the procedure.


What is Aqualyx ?
Aqualyx is a compound solution from the deoxycholate family, which is non-surgical way to destroy your fat cell permanently. It is an injectable solution used to dissolve fat, and its very effective, proper results are noticed in 4-5 weeks’ time.

How does it Work ?
When a chemical is injected on the target area, the fat cell is destroyed while gradually breaking them down until they are naturally flushed out of your body through lymphatic drainage, and proper results are noticed after a months’ time.

What are the Target areas ?

  • Double Chin (FDA- Approved)
  • Knees
  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Upper back (Bra Fat/Buldge)
  • Underarms
  • Thighs
  • Armpits

What is the procedure ?
After cleaning the area of injection such as saddle bags, tight, stomach, chin, knees and underarms. Multiple injections are given to the target area which tend to break the fat cell, destroyed it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through lymphatic system. Treatment should only be performed by a cosmetologist and dermatologist. The treatment will be repeated after 3-4 weeks.

What are the side effects
It is extremally safe, but after each treatment patient can expect some swelling, redness, bruising at the injection site and irritation in the area treated, which will be subsided after 6-7 days.

How long does it last ?
Aqualyx is permanently destroys the fat cells targeted in each treatment session.

What are the Contraindications ?
Pregnancy and lactation, Lipodystrophy and those with a pathological condition.


For more information about Aqualyx and other such procedures consult Dr. Amit and Dr. Aarti Bhasin from Prive Skin Clinic.

Website:  Prive Clinic