Boxfit Fitness Club delivers the amazing results of Boxing and Kickboxing without any combat, to sculpt and strengthen your body head to toe.

BoxFit is the most FUN and INTENSE workout of your life. BoxFit takes the best elements from a Boxer’s regime and puts it in a 60 minute full-body workout. You set your own pace, your own intensity and thus BoxFit is for everyone. We have taken away the clunky equipment of vintage gyms and replaced it with open space, punching bags and medicine balls.
Our trainers conduct BoxFit sessions in 3 components : 
1. High intensity cardio
2. Boxing and kickboxing
3. Core work
How is BoxFit Different?
Our goal at BoxFit is to improve fitness of our members and help them achieve the goals they have set for themselves. We want to do so in the most enjoyable and unintimidating way. Thus we do not offer any form of sparring or bouts at our gym. While our sessions takes the most fun and rewarding elements of a boxer’s regime, we are NOT a fight club.
Why should I choose BoxFit over a traditional gym?
Gyms all around the world have used the same clunky equipment for ages to deliver boredom more so than results. To get better results Gyms ask you to get personal trainers, only at the cost of your monthly salary. Fitness should not come at such a high premium. At BoxFit, we believe good things happen when people come together. Here you work out in group classes conducted by trainers that motivate you to push harder, punch stronger and move faster. In our classes, you never run short on motivation.
Should I have past experience to join BoxFit? 
No. You should join BoxFit to get fit and stay fit. At BoxFit, you decide your own pace, your own intensity and hence it is for anyone who thinks there is room for improvement in their fitness.
What do I need to get started?
Try your first shot free of cost. Call us and we will gladly set you up with a trial class. There are plenty of BoxFit gloves available for your trial class. The only thing you will need is wraps that you can get yourself or can choose to buy them at reception for Rs. 250. If this is your first class, we insist that you come 15 minutes before the class starts so you can meet the trainer, wrap your hands and learn the basics.
Phone number 8800134969