We are proud to announce that our complimentary vaccination drive for the underprivileged was a smashing success and with it we have come even closer to our goal of vaccinating a thousand needy citizens of Delhi on a monthly basis!!


We would like to thank @lafuori_outthere for their support which empowered us to inoculate 35 artisans in this drive.

We also appreciate the @new_delhi_medical_centre for helping us procure the vaccines for our @delhiitesfoundation drive at a subsidized cost.

It was extremely heartwarming to have in attendance Mr. Ramesh Bidhuri and Mr. Manoj Tiwari, Members of Parliament and Mr. Mukesh Suryan, the mayor of SDMC as our guests of honour.

We hope to continue serving the people of Delhi in any capacity we can and fulfill our civic duty to society. Service before self is more than a motto, for the Delhiites Foundation, it is a way of life.