Release Date 18 February 2018

Genre Biography, Autobiography

Rating 5/5

Plot The true story of a girl who went against all odds to pursue an education. The book is largely the story of a young girl coming to terms with the fact that her survivalist Mormon family might not know best and her unorthodox upbringing did not have to dictate her place in the world. 

Review The book was a birthday gift by some friends and I remember thanking them profusely after completing it. It shook up my whole world view from the first page and by the time it was over I felt like a whole different person, who had somehow lived the ups and downs with the author and seen into the mind going through unspeakable tragedy only to rise above it and constantly try to improve her life.

It creates a primal need to protect this young girl from her family but you end the book with the realisation that she is exactly who she needed to be due to the varied experiences her life offered. Reading Educated, should in my humble opinion, be mandatory for all young adults between the ages of 13-17.

It is inspirational in the most surprising of ways and makes the reader realise that there are all kinds of families, faiths and upbringings in the world and despite the instability that might come from such an environment, nothing can determine your future more than the sheer amount of will power you possess.

Tara, in her own way, has set the tone for an advanced understanding of feminism. The women in her life, a strict maternal grandmother who refuses to bend to Tara’s father’s orders, a mother who flirts with the idea of independence and self-sustenance and a sister she idolises for making her own way, are none of them flawless or perfect. They do however, all of them, make attempts to ensure that Tara gets a respite from the suffocation brought on by her unique circumstances.

The concept of men looms large in her life until she starts to distance herself from her home and upbringing. This book is a testament to self-improvement, following your instincts and learning to think for yourself. Furthermore, it is the only thing ever published by the author, which highlights exactly how important she felt it was to get her story out there.

The book will make you feel powerful and determined in a way that you might not have felt before reading it, so clear an afternoon, get yourself a beverage and get ready for the read of a lifetime!