“Life is too short to eat boring food  – Karishma Thapar, Founder

With dining out firmly on the do not list for the foreseeable future, Home Kitchens is committed to keeping your lives spicy by bringing you the best curated home chefs.

Our two-fold mission comprises of bringing you tasty, hygienic food and empowering home chefs during these difficult times.  We are committed to maintaining the best hygiene standards through safety checks, temperature checks, and packaging seals. Simultaneously, our platform is a way for home chefs to explore their passion for cooking and share it with our customers. Our platform gives them a way to sell their food without having to worry about finding the customers, delivering the product, taking payments, or any of the back end operations.

Our platform strives to empower as many chefs as possible, people who have lost their jobs during this pandemic, helping housewives who could work at the comfort at their homes and mothers/grandmothers who are amazing cooks but do not know much about how to market, package, sell and deliver their talent. With honest chef reviews and chefs categorized by cuisines, we assure you an excellent customer experience.

Home Kitchens is eager to transform the food delivery industry and we invite you to join us in our journey of bringing you tasty and hygienic food delivered to your doorstep.

With dining out becoming a strict no no, Home Kitchens is committed to keeping your lives spicy by bringing you the best curated home chefs